Caution!!!! Content may be perverse and offending to the small minded human.
Published on October 26, 2004 By pagen_baby In Welcome
Im positive I am not the only one that is frustrated with polotics right now. I swear I cant turn on the T.V. without seeing smear campains for one person or another. The only one I can stand, that I wish was broadcasted more often; shows a fat fart talkin about getting a ticket because he couldnt let some "fag" use the bathroom and that cripples shouldnt be allowed in his buisness. Quickly after this it said He gets to vote on Nov. 2nd luckly so do you. Im sorry I AM against the war. I am against Bush and I am entirly for beating the shit out of those who have problems with a WOMENS right to choose, a human beings right to happiness (be it with any sex they'd like) exc.... I wasn't always against that arrogant, stupid little man. There was a time when I thought he knew what he was doing. Going after Osama after 9/11 oh yay IM ALL FOR KILLING A MAN THAT KILLED OUR LOVED ONES!!! But when the hell did Iraq become such a gigantic threat. For those of you that dont know, EVERY OTHER NATION HATES US, Im more afraid of a terriost attack now then I ever was. If your okie going to sleep at night sending your babies and your friends babies and your neibors babies off to a war in which no one knows why were there in the first place then so be it, but shouldnt you be out there to then!!! Thats the ultimate support! You support it, you fight it, then theres no guilt on my concious that I sat back while another baby went off to war. Bush would gladly merge church and state, OH WAIT he ALREADY DOES. I dont believe in God or the Bible and neither do millions of other americans, its such a shame though that the only reason Bush is so against Womens rights and Gay marriages is becuse of his great beliefe in God and his oh so Holy word. A little news flash for those of you saying were liberating the Iraqi people.... we are the bigest money hungry nation in the world and we hold the most contracts for oil (quite a money making set up) in Iraq. For those that seem to care so much about the lives of others and the US so "rightfully" stepping in to fix those poor lives then why dont you take a little venture on your computer and learn some sad truths about Africa right now particularly Somalea, where the next Holocaust is taking place right now!!!! Id rather save 10,000 lives a day then the smaller 10,000 that were lost while Sadam Hussain ruled.

P.S. If I spelled anything wrong deal with it!! I have poor spelling.

on Nov 10, 2004
thats about all ive got to say about that