Caution!!!! Content may be perverse and offending to the small minded human.
pagen_baby's Articles
October 28, 2004 by pagen_baby
I learned yesterday that family cant be trusted, and the ones you love the most lie. Its sad but its almost always true. My fiance who I absolutly adored and unquestionably trusted came clean to lieing for over a year about numerous things, as well as cheating twice. Amazingly I found out about all of this on our anniversary, 3 months after my spinal fusion surgery. I forgave him, im too weak to leave him, to much in love to forget him and the circumstances on which it happaned are almost und...
October 26, 2004 by pagen_baby
Im positive I am not the only one that is frustrated with polotics right now. I swear I cant turn on the T.V. without seeing smear campains for one person or another. The only one I can stand, that I wish was broadcasted more often; shows a fat fart talkin about getting a ticket because he couldnt let some "fag" use the bathroom and that cripples shouldnt be allowed in his buisness. Quickly after this it said He gets to vote on Nov. 2nd luckly so do you. Im sorry I AM against the war. I am ag...